Sailing Yacht Coco

Five months ago we had our best idea ever.  Get a Landrover Defender 110 expedition truck built and knock off some classic adventures over the next couple of years.  Phase one...

Iceland prides itself on key tourist attractions that bring over a million visitors to the island every summer.  Sure there are the glaciers, the amazing sceanery etc etc, but they also...

After 3 weeks in Iceland and nearly 7000km of driving, we’ve left Gabby at the airport in Keflavik (hope she’ll be ok!) and we are flying to Sicily for 10 days...

Vatnajökull; the largest ice field in Europe covering an area of 8,400 square km with an average ice thickness of more than 3,000 feet.  If it melted, half the world would...

If I was ever going to make a movie about aliens, hobbits or any elfin like creature, the south central highlands of Iceland would be my set.  It’s totally stunning.  Volcanic,...

Reykjavík, the only real city in Iceland; home to two thirds of the population.  It’s an eclectic mix of old and new reflecting the rapid growth in tourism that the country...

After leaving the stunning central highlands and a swim in an active volcanic crater(!), heading to some of the more remote areas in the northern fjords bought a new landscape with...

There are 3 types of roads in Iceland.  The red roads: these are the main highways.  Sealed.  The yellow roads: theses can be sealed or not, but generally drivable.  Then there...

Not much more to say.  This just sums up the last couple of days perfectly…

Yep, it’s confirmed.  They do actually shoot reindeer in Iceland.  Approx 6,000 total population and they nail around 1300 of them every year (bring on the Blitzen Burger).  I met a...

Who would have thought.  Second night in Iceland and we get treated to the Northern Lights.  What an experience.  They move and wander across the sky like celestial snakes.  We didn’t...

Wow.  I thought New Zealand owned raw natural beauty.  Move over.  Iceland is spectacular.  Awesome fiords, incredible waterfalls, alien like highlands, ruggered mountains, colours that change by the minute and a...

This place is beautiful.  Raw, dramatic, moody landscape.  I can’t imagine how hard life is here.  Especially in the winter!  It was totally worth the 4:30am start to see such an...

We made the boat!  It’s great to be here after all the planning and organisation; plus a fair bit of travel.  One day in, half way to the Faroe Islands, just...

4 days in London, a trip to Maidenhead to inspect and sign over the Land Rover (Gabriella!), shopping forced upon us by the kids (relief medication applied in local pubs), a...